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MM Exports shipped 7% more and raised OTDP by 5% in peak season

New Delhi based fashion manufacturer implements FastReactPlan to increase productivity

MM Exports is a well equipped design led fashion manufacturing company, with sales offices in Frankfurt and New York and manufacturing facilities in the National Capital Region of New Delhi, India. They specialise in producing high value knitted, netted and woven fashion garments for export markets.

With a manufacturing factory holding an 800 workforce, that produces 500,000 garments per annum, they cater for customers such as Victoria Secret, REISS, French Connection, Debenhams and Diesel.

  • Blue icon of a sewing machine Prodution capacity – 500,000 pieces per annum
  • Blue globe icon India
  • icon label
    • GAP logo
    • M&S logo

7 %

more shipping

5 %

increase in OTDP

The Challenge

MM Exports speciality is value added processes such as embroidery, printing, bead attach, washing, tie-dye and laser. It is this speciality that gives MM Exports its competitive advantage but it was also this area that produced the biggest planning and control headaches. With some processes in house and few subcontracted plus multiple processes on the same garment, it was a real challenge to manage supplier capacities, provide accurate production schedules, measure work in progress and variances. With 95% of styles featuring these special finishes, any difficulties faced in managing them would quickly affect the bottom line profitability of the business so MM Export turned to Coats Digital’s FastReactPlan for help.

The Solution

Implementing FastReactPlan (sewing line planning and critical path management) plus the additional embellishment planning module, ensures that the complex value added process are controlled and managed effectively. The semi-automated embellishment module is designed to synchronize each process with the master sewing plan but allow the flexibility when required to override based on other factors such as supplier capacity constraints, minimum batch quantities etc. With the Embellishment module, as with all FastReactPlan planning tools, ‘what if’ planning is quick and easy with the knock on effect of changes calculated and clear warnings of conflicts (with other production processes or pre-production readiness) are highlighted instantly.

The Conclusion

Planning Manager at MM Exports said “Forward visibility has increased and now we can identify issues well in advance. Our decision making time has also been reduced and we can now make quick decisions as FastReactPlan provides us accurate information on time. ”Through FastReactPlan we establish better control over our vendors and their capacities as we know exactly what the situation of our outsourced processes are. It also helps us to feed the production lines continuously. Though we have not measured previously to quantify, we can see considerable reduction of idle time for past few months. In the last peak season we were able to increase our on time delivery performance by 5%. One customer actually rewarded us for our performance.”

“Transparency at colour and delivery level for all the processes and critical path, has helped us to make prompt and accurate business decisions. Daily production updates for all operations, in a Plan vs Actual report, for each process has helped us to understand the rhythm of production and take necessary actions.

In turn we shipped 7% more in our peak season compared to last year within the same capacity and other constraints we had. This could have been an extremely challenging task without the FastReactPlan embellishment module in place.”

Kawal Preet, Vice President
MM Exports

Kawal continues: “Visibility of value added process capacities helped a lot to ensure that we optimise and manage those effectively. Work in progress data helped us to keep a better control over value added processes. The FastReactPlan is very professional and helpful, guiding us throughout the project. Their continuous consultation is really valuable to establish centralised planning and best practices.

“The advantage of having the FastReactPlan is the transparency across company through which clear individual and departmental responsibilities are being established. We are still at the beginning stage of reaping full benefits and have to do continuous improvements in which the FastReactPlan are as committed to this as we are and meet up regularly every 2-3 months to find further improvements.”

Mr.Mandeep, Managing Director
MM Exports

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