Viet Vuong is a privately owned Vietnamese company which has been in business since 1999. Starting with 1 factory in HoChiMinh city, they have now expanded to 3 factories with almost 3,000 staff. Their key products are sportswear, performance waterproof clothing (seam-sealed) and leisure wear with over 3 million garments per year produced for their strategic partners such as Decathlon, Columbia Sportswear and famous brands in Germany.
Viet Vuong’s smart factory vision
“We see the market is changing rapidly, retailers are expecting factories to keep driving cost reduction and at the same time, provide quick response programs. Although Vietnam now enjoys many advantages, we can’t stand still and we have a goal to transform Viet Vuong into a “smart factory”.
Mr. Bao Nguyen Vinh, Director
The “smart factory” vision will see our different departments be fully connected into one operation. We have already invested in several technologies including ERP and a hanging conveyor production system with real-time production data collection but we still see many gaps.”
Viet Vuong Ho Chi Minh

Why FastReactPlan?
Mr. Bao Nguyen Vinh continues, “I saw our planning team working very hard and often working late in order to get answers back to our sales team fast enough to satisfy the customer need for a quick delivery date confirmation.”
“Additional to this, it seems the team have endless meetings to check information with the merchandisers to adjust the plan, and despite all this hard work we still see line idling happen in the factory and sometimes face late delivery. Both, of course, create extra costs for us. I asked around how other businesses handle this area and got several recommendations to look at Coats Digitl’s FastReactPlan. I sat through several demonstration and could see that their FastReactPlan software would fill our gap perfectly.”
“The Coats Digital’s team come from our industry so they really understand the challenges that garment factories face. The combination of knowledge and proven software, means they can propose great solutions. I had no hesitation in implementing FastReactPlan into our factory and I’m expecting the system will go live in Q1 2018 before the new season starts.”
Mr. Bao Nguyen Vinh, Director
Viet Vuong Ho Chi Minh
Our expectation
Mr Bao Nguyen Vinh, then explains how he sees FastReactPlan helping Viet Vuong, “My first objective is to enhance our communication and coordination between our different departments in Viet Vuong. I’m expecting staff to see the same information and identify any bottlenecks or knock-on effects that could impact our plan so we are able to coordinate more easily.”
“Our planner will have the tool they need to work SMART so they can create the plan quickly but also with much more detail and within the tight time limit our buyers demand. The whole team will then receive a warning of problems in advance; I’m expecting that we can focus on fixing these problems and therefore minimise the line idling and reduce the last minute changes to the plan.
Mr. Bao Nguyen Vinh, Director
Ultimately, it will help us to increase our efficiency and work smarter so we can work to customer expectations for quick response to questions and product demand.”
Viet Vuong Ho Chi Minh
Coats Digital’s FastReactPlan in Vietnam
Mr. Luu Hoang Anh, Business Development Manager, Coats Digital in Vietnam said, “It’s exciting to see some of our Vietnamese manufactures are seriously searching for a better way. It would be easy to enjoy the current boom with advantages from government support and excellent workforce, but we must invest for the future.”
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